Saturday, July 05, 2014

Oh those brave Israelis....

Those nice, civilised Israelis have been clearing the streets of the vicious Palestinian 15-year-old terrorists again. You can view the bravery of the Israeli security forces here.

The same incident viewed from a different angle can be viewed here:

The Israelis have issued a statement effectively saying that the footage is biased, that the security forces were attacked by masked rioters, which presumably is enough to justify their response. This will be interesting, since the nasty 15-year-old terrorist was a US citizen in this case. They drag him off with his head hooded, the nice, brave, civilised Israelis wearing masks. I think I can explain the reference to masked rioters......

More details available from The Jewish Daily Forward

Edit: Those civilised Israelis really know how to  look after their juvenile terrorist prisoners.

Image borrowed from click image to view a larger version.

1 comment:

Joe McGonagle said...

The Israelis have now issued a statement that the reason the terrorist was hooded was in order to 'hold his head together' following some restraint administered by masked men.