Sunday, July 27, 2014

Israeli Final Solution progress is faltering

I all fairness to the Israelis, the latest escalation in their conflict with Palestine is not as bloody as previous escalations have been.

According to Palestinian sources, about 1,000 Palestinians have been killed so far by the nice civilised Isaelis, 75% of them civilians.

According to Israeli authorities, 42 Israelis have been killed by the evil Palestinian terrorists, 2 (a little under 5%) of those civilians.

However, the scale of destruction of the fabric of Gaza is still massive. Not only are the Israelis bombing residential areas into car-parks, but they are also deliberately bulldozing homes as well. Hitler would be proud of them.

They insist they are warning civilians in order to allow them them time to leave targetted areas, and this is true, however, in a territory only 30 miles long by 5 miles wide with the borders sealed off, where should the refugees go?

Those who do manage to find somewhere safe while Israel bombards the area return home to find them completely flattened. Those nice civilised Israelis really know how to make enemies and influence people.

In the meantime, Palestinian militants continue their completely futile fireworks party. Instead of investing in fireworks, perhaps they would make Israel a little more cautious if they spent their money on anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.

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