Saturday, September 23, 2006

More faces than a Dodecahedron...

Last week I saw both Bush and his poodle Blair giving speeches. I couldn't believe what I was watching and hearing.

Firstly, both of them expressed a willingness to assist with a resolution to the "Palestinian problem". This in spite of the fact that both withdrew funding for the Palestinian territories after HAMAS was democratically elected by the Palestinian people to represent them.

Both of them expressed a desire to encourage democracy in the Middle East. Quite aside from the fact that it isn't up to them to decide what type of government administers any foreign state, when a government which they don't approve of _is_ democratically elected, they immediately withdraw support for it! Which states in the Middle East can credit either Blair or Bush with any sincerity when they rabbit on about democracy?

Blair also whined that he wants to help the Lebanese peope recover from the Israeli attacks. All well and good Tony, but how can you reconcile this with the tacit approval given to the USA to use British soil and airspace to resupply the Israeli war machine during the Lebanese conflict?

It is up to the American people to decide the fate of their President. For myself, I will not support any party that has a multi-headed Hydra for a leader. Labour, it is definitely time for a change of leader, not when the poodle decides it is time for "walkies", but now!

With so many faces, I wonder what the costs of cosmetics are for both Blair and Bush? It cost the Lebanon 1,600 lives and a legacy of thousands of crippled, deprived, and unhappy citizens. The Palestinians are still clinging to survival, in spite of the actions of Israel and British and American support of Israeli genocidal policy.

Joe McGonagle

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