Wednesday, August 09, 2006

THE SHAME OF BEING AN AMERICAN (or an American poodle state)

"The shame of being an American" is the title of an article written by Paul Craig Roberts, who has been an editor for the Wall Street Journal, Economic advisor to the Reagan administration, and holder of numerous academic positions. His full biography can be viewed here.

The article is a condemnation of Israeli and US policy in the Middle East, and supportive of th eplight of the Palestinians and Lebanese. It has really got the rednecks worked up, many of them accusing him of being a communist, anti-semite, traitor to the American nation, etc. It has also been published on numerous web-sites, most of them concerned with Human Rights, conspiracy theories, and yes, some anti-semitic sites as well. The full article can be read here.

One of his accusations in the article is as follows:

" Indeed, Israel, which has one of the world's largest per capita incomes, is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid. Many believe that much of this "aid" comes back to AIPAC [American Israeli Public Affairs Committee], which uses it to elect "our" representatives in Congress."

Whatever your position, you can't simply ignore what this man is saying - he is well qualified, and has been involved in US policy decisions in the past. He is the author of several books on the topics of economics and politics which have been well received. I would question if anyone else is better qualified than he is to make such a statement as that above, he seems also to be spot-on in respect of some of his other accusations in the article.

Thanks to Judith Jaafar for the lead.

Joe McGonagle

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