Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Contact your MP

Not all of our elected representatives agree with Government policy in respect of the Middle East situation. I have been in touch with my local (Labour) MP, Joan Walley, who told me that she wants "to see the UK government call for an immediate cease fire backed up by all the diplomatic efforts that will be needed to secure a way forward" and that she is applying what pressure she is able to.

Thank you Joan, I hope there are more MPs like you. If any other British residents want to contact your own MP, you can do so on-line, just follow the instructions here. Make your message as clear and concise as you can, the wording which I used was as follows:

Subject: Please oppose the Israeli action in Lebanon

Hello Joan,

I am unaware of your position in relation to the Israeli action
in Lebanon, and appeal to you as my MP to take whatever action
you can to oppose the apparent British Government support for the
events now taking place in the Middle East. The actions of our
current Government and also past Governments are a matter of
shame to the British people.

(you should also include your full name and address, and remember, only your local MP is obliged to represent your views!)

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