Saturday, December 30, 2006

What started the war in Lebanon?

In an attempt to gain clarity about the events leading up to Israel's attack on Lebanon, I asked the Lebanese and Israeli embassies in London which version of the incident was correct. One version is that an Israeli patrol was attacked inside the Lebanese border, and another version is that the patrol was on Israeli soil at the time of the attack.

Several months have passed since I wrote to the embassies, but I have had no reply from either as yet. Perhaps the Lebanese and Israelis are both uncertain of the truth.

I also asked the UK Foreign and Commonwealth office which version they accepted, and why. They informed me that they accept the Israeli version, because the Lebanese Government has not denied it.

I am left little option but to assume therefore that the Israeli version is correct, unless any readers have some substantive evidence to the contrary?

Joe McGonagle

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